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Why is Limbo the price it is?

One of the first reactions of many people seeing Limbo for the first time is: "that looks expensive!" We'd like to explain why Limbo costs what it does – and why many people say "it's the best money I ever spent."

Glucose sensors are expensive

But they are currently the only way to measure metabolism accurately

Limbo includes 2 sensors every month, to give 24-7 body data for the entire programme. If you bought them at a pharmacy or shop, they cost around £/€60 each including VAT. Total would be: £/€120 each month.

Intensive coaching is expensive

Limbo uses both AI and expert humans to coach you to your goal

24-7 coaching to improve your meals and habits – around 5-10 pieces of feedback each day. The average cost of personal trainer or nutritionist sessions is £/€65 each. Total for 8 sessions, just two per week: £/€520 per month

Separate cost:
> £/€600 per month

Limbo cost:
1/3 the price

Limbo vs traditional approaches

The way to evaluate the price of any weight loss approach is not just the 'sticker price' – the amount paid up front – but the actual amount spent to per pound or kilo successfully lost. We'd call this the 'true cost' of a weight loss programme.

Researchers in a 2010 American study* calculated this true cost: the actual amount, in US dollars per pound of weight, that people were spending to achieve weight loss. They found that the average individual spent $173 for each pound (lb) of weight successfully reduced. This is the equivalent of $240 spent per pound (lb) adjusted for 2023 inflation:

Traditional weight loss:


spent, to successfully lose each pound

Endless switching between diets, books, meal plans, clubs, groups, gym memberships, personal trainers, nutritionists. The true cost is very high, the results poor and demoralising.



spent, per pound

The average Limbo member loses 9.8kg, which is 21.5lb, in the first three months. Program cost would be just over £655. Despite the high perceived price of Limbo, it is 7x cheaper than the 'cheap' options.

While the 'sticker price' of Limbo may seem high at first glance, the true cost of Limbo is far less.

Limbo vs meds or surgery

Instead of comparing Limbo to outdated but cheap methods that are proven not to work, the best way to evaluate Limbo is to compare it to other options that actually work:


💉 Injectables
 🩻 Surgery
Monthly fees
From £120/130
all inclusive
or more
or more
Weight loss
As % of body weight (over 6 months)
Time required
Both day-to-day and overall
A few minutes per day
And overall 6 months or less
Weekly shot – for life
If you stop taking the drugs, the weight returns
Surgery plus followups
Travel, time off work, followup procedures


While injectables have shown good efficacy, there are some issues to consider: Limbo and GLP-1s, compared.

Limbo versus the cost of doing nothing

When we ask our members about the benefits they feel, it's not just about losing the weight. It's about avoiding more serious trouble later – and having a new lease on life today. What is the value you would place on...

Feeling better and healthier
Having more energy
Playing more with your kids and grandkids
Clearing the mental fog
Resetting habits and learning how to keep weight off, for good
Breaking your addiction to ultra-processed foods that are hurting you
Accomplishing more at work
Lowering your health risk factor and worries

Extending both your lifespan and your 'healthspan'

When Limbo members do the programme, they don't only lose weight, but transform their understanding of their bodies and their approach to food and energy. It's an investment in long-term health and wellbeing that will help them live longer and – this is key – be healthier for longer.

Ready to begin your Limbo journey?

Learn about how Limbo works and why Limbo works.

Sign up

*SOURCE:  ABC News – https://abcnews.go.com/Health/Wellness/jenny-craig-lap-band-price-pound-lose-weight/story?id=11939138