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Limbo and the new injectable weight loss meds are two approaches based on the same principle: control blood glucose, and let the body tap stored energy instead.

How they work

They are very different – Limbo is technology plus coaching, GLP-1s are drugs – but both approaches are focused on controlling blood glucose levels.

Weekly hormone injections
Data and coaching to change habits

Frame 4 - Drugs do it by



While both Limbo and GLP-1 meds focus on blood glucose control, Limbo members – using data and behavioral science – lose more weight than people taking medications like Wegovy® and Ozempic®.

Limbo is coaching people on how to change bad habits, and why the habits are not good for them.
GLP-1 medications change no habits, they just 'mask' them. Unhealthy behavior stays the same – but a bit less of it.


Limbo vs semaglutide -- 3 month comparison


The average Limbo member loses just under 9% of their body weight during three months, versus just over 6% on GLP-1 medications: 



Instead of drugs, Limbo shows you your metabolism live – with a blood glucose sensor –then coaches you on how to take charge of it. It's data plus behavioral science, instead of drugs.

How Limbo works - combo video - 450x540



With Limbo, you are actively learning how your metabolism works, and reshaping your habits each day. So when you stop the program, your changes stay with you.




LIMBO large logo

💉 Injectables

Cost per month
From $170
and up
and up, without insurance cover; $250 for 'off-brand' replicas
% weight loss expected over 6 months
Time commitment
1-6 months
Typical length
Lasting change

New habits mean no rebound

If you stop taking the drugs, the weight returns
New knowledge and understanding

Continuous 'active learning' about how your body works

No understanding of why change happens, how old bad habits were hurting you
Free from side effects
A 'natural' process, using body data and behavioural change – no drugs or side effects

Little study done, but side effects include: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, stomach (abdomen) pain, headache, tiredness (fatigue), upset stomach, dizziness, feeling bloated, belching, gas, stomach flu, heartburn, and runny nose or sore throat. Researchers have also pointed to a Higher chance of developing certain cancers, and issues with lost muscle mass. 

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The rebound effect

The biggest issue with the weight loss injectables is that they change no behaviour, give no new knowledge – so they only work so long as you take them, ie forever. The manufacturer's own clinical study shows the rebound effect after stopping:


Simplified - Full semaglutide trial with rebound


Compare to Limbo

In contrast, Limbo coaches you to better habits, using data from inside your body. New habits and knowledge last, beyond your time in Limbo.


Simplified - Full semaglutide trial with rebound - compared to Limbo


Note: Limbo does not have full data for 120 weeks, as the first cohort began in January 2022. Latest data reports are included above.

Limbo offers a lasting change: understand how energy works in your body, and make sustainable changes, based on new knowledge. GLP-1s are a  'quick fix' override of natural hormones, and do nothing to address the habits that are hurting you.

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Learn about how Limbo works and why Limbo works.

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