Here are Mary's thoughts just over four months into the programme:
Before Limbo - 110.7kg
Busy CEO and mother of two, Mary called herself 'the expert of every diet there is' as she's tried just about everything to lose weight over the years.
Why now?
The impetus for change
“I have two teenagers and I have just turned 50 years old. I don't want them minding an overweight 80 year old . I don't want to develop health conditions that can be avoided, so I just thought it was time for me to take responsibility for the kids and for myself.”
Two weeks in
The science makes learning easy
Mary is really fascinated by what her blood glucose is doing. She is eating plenty of food and her energy levels are up.

Habits are changing
Four weeks into her Limbo journey
Mary has noticed some changes already including walking when before she would have hopped into the car; and not having her evening glass of wine. These changes are becoming habits.
She says: “It's just part of my life now. It's not a distraction, it's just something that I do.”
Week six
Family crisis so a prolonged hospital visit
Mary’s daughter is in hospital so she is spending lots of her time at her side. Access to food was limited but Mary managed to negotiate it and didn’t find it difficult. Despite everything, her sleep and mood have improved too.
Conquering the mountain
Mary climbs Inishmore on the Arran Islands
This is the first time that Mary had climbed Inishmore for years without having to stop “twenty times”.
Day 106 - 17.2kg down
A little celebration
Mary is a celebrant at her nephew’s wedding and has three days of partying. She went up just two pounds during the week but lost it again immediately. She also had a superb time.

Enjoying life
Feeling more in control three months in
“I don't think in three months that I have ever felt like this was something I didn't want to do. I don't think I've ever felt negatively affected or like that I was suffering. I've been able to go out for work dinners, to go out with family, to weddings, dinner and dance. I’m definitely enjoying it more because I feel more in control. I have more energy. I'm excited to be in places instead of wishing it was over.”
26kg lost and still going
Four months into her Limbo journey
Mary delivers a box of Size 16 and up clothes to the charity shop. She says: “I'm at the stage of getting the Limbo benefits without trying. They're naturally happening.” She is really enjoying having more choice in what clothes she can buy and her confidence is rising.