People often ask me how I have the energy, focus and clarity to constantly make good business decisions. Here are some answers - 30 days of little improvements to make you a better leader. A practical tip to help you improve your leadership skills and energy every day.
Not many people realise that I'm an introvert and I'm naturally shy. I've had to learn skills to cope with this and it's meant managing my mental and physical energy properly before I can even think about business.
For the next month, I'll email you every morning to coach you into improving the habits you need to run a successful business. I'm not into management bullshit, you'll get the real advice that sets you up to do well - from communicating well to eating better.
I’ve built and sold a number of companies over the years and you don't do that by working on your own steam. You learn to lead. I'll help you prioritise your skills and your leadership energy.
I've made a short learning programme from some of the advice I've given CEOs, founders and other businesspeople I mentor every day in my roles as investor, chairman, board member, CEO, founder and innovator. I believe you'll do better if you try them.